Monday, September 1, 2008


When i first sat down to watch this video, i just thought that it would be something else about the Alabama school system, but then it was something very touching that was completely unexpected. I thought that the numbers of the statistics is amazing and it shows how much people hand the world are changing. A couple of statistics that really shocked me was that 1 out of 8 couples that get married met online. I thought that even though those places were out there, I did not realize how many people participated in that. I also thought that is was astounding that kids that are 4 years old know how to work a computer. Another fact that was cool was that if Myspace was a country it would be the 8th largest in the world. There were so many of these facts that really put things in perspective.

I really think that this presentation is very important for any person to watch, but especially any person who has any influence on any child's life. Technology is making a drastic difference on everyone in the world and it is so weird, and something that no one really ever expected. Many children need to learn important things about technology because that will be their future, and by watching that movie, it brings alot to the table. I thought that it was really funny that they played on the initial "BC" by saying "BG" for Before Google, because that is so true. I cannot remember a time when I did not have Google, let alone a computer. I believe that any educator needs to realize about all of the growth that is happening and this video was a great way to gain someones attention.

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